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Model Test Paper 1-Pharmacist Exam

Model Paper For Pharmacist Exam With Question & Answer

  1. Digitalis toxicity produces following changes in ECG - Absence of T wave, ST depression, prolonged PR interval
  2. Examples of calcium channel blocker are- Nifedipine,Dilteazem,Verapamil
  3. K+ channel opener is- Minoxidil
  4. Loop diuretics act by- inhibition of -Na+K+2 Cl- cotransport
  5. Antidote for heparin is - Protamine
  6. HDL is increased by - Nicotinic acid
  7. Antiemetic action is through- Chemo-receptor trigger zone
  8. License is issued in which form for the manufacture of homeopathic drug- 25C
  9. Indian pharmacopeial committee was appointed on - 1948
  10. Food and adulteration act passed on -1954
  11. The drugs and cosmetic act and ruled passed - 1940&1945
  12. Standards for mechanical contraceptive are given in schedule- R
  13. The drug and cosmetic act passed in act on - XXIII
  14. Total no. of spinal nerves are - 31 pairs
  15. Total no. of bones in body are - 206
  16. Milk is stored in - Ample
  17. Gastric hormones are stored in - Stomach
  18. Vestibule is the part of - Internal ear
  19. The color of eye is due to- Iris
  20. The lens of eye is - Biconvex
  21. For detoxification of alcohol withdrawal drug used is  - Disulfiram
  22. Mechanism of action of GABA is on - G protein
  23. Following  drugs are used in the treatment of epilepsy-Ethosuximide,Acetazolamide,Vigabatrine
  24. Which drug should be given along with Levodopa - Carbidopa & Benserzide
  25. False statement regarding clozapine - Maximum extra pyramidal effect
  26. ____is an antidepressant - Imipramine
  27. Barbiturates are derivative of - Urea
  28. Pharmacy act come in force on - 1949
  29. For registration of pharmacist in various states, the pharmacy act provides for the Constitution of - State pharmacy council
  30. V th edition of Indian pharmacopoeia have volumes - 3 Volume
  31. Insulin injection comes under the schedule - G
  32. Schedule FF as per the drug and cosmetic act deals with - Standards for ophthalmic
  33. P.C.I. is reconstituted every - 5 years
  34. Softest tissue of body is - Blood
  35. The blood clotting due to - Blood platelets
  36. The average number of platelets per cubic mm of blood is - 250000 to 450000
  37. Presence of P wave in ECG due to - Contraction of atria
  38. ECG provides information related to - State of myocardium
  39. Stroke volume is about - 70 ml
  40. Pulse pressure is - 40 mmhg
  41. Most serious adverse effect of penicillin is - Anaphylaxis
  42. Mechanism of action of tetracycline - Bind to 30-S ribosomes
  43. Mechanism of action of clindamycin is inhibition of- Protein synthesis
  44. Following can be used as second line anti TB drug - Kanamycin,Cycloserine, Ofloxacin
  45. The most effective drug against M.leprae is - Rifampicin
  46. Following are drugs used as anti-fungal agent- Ciclopiroxolmine,ketoconazole,undecylenic acid
  47. Side effects of zidovudine in AIDS patient is - Megaloblastic anemia
  48. Latest amendment of drug price control order act on- 2002
  49. Manufacturing of schedule X drug license issues by- 24 F
  50. Drug inspector is appointed under the act -21 of IPC
  51. Drug inspector taking the sample under which section of drugs cosmetic act - Section 22
  52. The drug sample taken by drug inspector for analysis are sending to - Govt. Analyst
  53. I st amendment of drug price control order act on -1995
  54. Largest gland of human body is  - Liver
  55. In the stomach gastric gland are present in - Cardiac part,fundic part,pyloric part
  56. Example of both exocrine and endocrine - Pancreas
  57. Which enzyme is not present in pancreatic juice - Pepsin
  58. Which part of pharynx is involved in digestion - Oropharynx
  59. Basic metabolic rate is regulated by - Thyroxine
  60. Which one is known as blood bank of body- Spleen
  61. Which branch of medicine deal with diagnostic and therapeutic value - Radiology
  62. At what Temperature the blood can be stored- 4oC 
  63. If the bed size is 201-300 then how many pharmacist should be there - 10
  64. EOQ stands for - Economic order quantity
  65. HAVC stands for - High ventilating and air conditioning
  66. What is the length of tube of blood transfusion set - 6 feet
  67. ROM stands for - Read only memory
  68. Etiology means - Cause of disease
  69. Diabetes,peptic ulcer comes under which type of disorders disease - Endocrine exocrine disorder
  70. Chicken pox is cause by - Varicella zoster
  71. Rheumatic heart disease affects - Heart and joint
  72. HIV is transmitted by - Tanopox virus,DNA virus,Variola virus
  73. Which is not live attenuted vaccine-  Pertusis
  74. Source of infection in  plague is -Rat fleas, infected rodents, pneumatic plague case
  75. Zeal Nelson staining is done specifically for - Mycobacterium
  76. A combine oral pill is having - Oestrogen 30-35 mcg and progesterone 0.5-1mg
  77. EDTA is antidote for- Lead and Mercury
  78. Secondary prevention of disease is -Early diagnosis and treatment
  79. Which form is used to issue license for wholesale of drugs other than those specified in schedule C,C1 and X - 20A
  80. The schedule for life period of drug is - Schedule P
  81. The schedule for standard for cosmetic is -Schedule S
  82. First pharmacy council of India was constituted in -1948
  83. Second international opium conference held on 27 September 1924 at - Geneva
  84. Magic remedies act was passed in year - 1954
  85. The non bonded laboratory shall be inspected by the proper excise officer alert - Once in a six months
  86. The drug bill was introduced in the year - 1930
  87. Which year publish education regulation - 1991
  88. Standards for patent are laid down in schedule - Schedule V
  89. In VED analysis D stands for- Desirable items
  90. Inventories comprises of - Raw material, finished product, general store machinery
  91. Business is an -Economic activity
  92. A ledger contains - Personal account,Nominal account,Real account
  93. Trial balance is prepared from - Ledger
  94. A trial balance is an - Statement
  95. ISO-9000 certification may be used by - Chemical organization,textile, food processing industries
  96. Number of pharmacist recommended by the Hathi committee at primary health center  is -1
  97. Posology is related to - Study of dose and dosage schedule
  98. Life period of Ampicillin capsule is - 24 Month
  99. Life period of dried plasma is - 60 Month
  100. Life period of BCG vaccines is - 14 days

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